Friday, July 18, 2008

And We're Back...

With more news of Arizona. Third out of five days -- how exciting. Lately, we've had sleep-overs (Tal and E at Matt and Corey's), me baby-sitting and seeing friends, Mom and Dad meeting up with bros, sisters, in-laws, and Grandma and Grandpa for a dinner night at Aribas, tours of Matt's new building, swimming at 7:45 in the morning, and on my ONE SINGLE LEG, on only one calve: over 25 misquito bites from one night...ONE SINGLE night for two hours at a park with Abbie and Zach, cousins, for Mutual only to come home with over fifty-five bites, half of which are on thirteen inches of my skin. Talk about freaky! I've overused Benedryl and Aspercreme. I can't walk without bending over and totally creating scabs, and it's so gross (my legs-- I am a walking reptile).

Pool: how nice to have one right the backyard of where you're staying. For those know DONT know, we are staying in the house we used to live in when we were AZ people. It's our grandparents house, and YEAH they are back from Brazil (been back for 2+ years now), so we are living with them and we love it. And it's been 112 degrees here, isn't that crazy? I am not apple red yet, and guess what? Neither is my dad!

Anyway, after this comes Lake Powell (hence more pictures :) and we are going to come back to "our state" for school to start in August. Oh, how i love summer!

PS Liz had her baby (Porter Crane Shelley) they had quite some party! ~Check it out~