Trek 2009 has been an all-around good experience. I didn't expect to go on trek--nor was I excited about it. But four months ago when I heard we'd be going on trek I didn't complain or freak out. I didn't think much of it. In fact, I said, "Oh I have time to worry later. Who cares?"
Time goes by SOOOOOO quickly! Wednesday morning at 6:30 AM we boared the charter buses that would take us to Middle-Of-Nowhere, Wyoming, and loaded our handcarts with very compacted 5-gallon buckets overflowing with our neccesities.
Day 1--got there at about 9:00AM and hurriedly unloaded our buses. I will admit, I got some butterflies as I stared out on our trail. The only visible part was the very first thing we had to climb - over a muddy creek and up a HUGE hill.
My trek parents, Kaycee and Jeff Pierson, we're solid rocks and Jeff kept me going. They are the best- and Kaycee has such a great spirit and is such a girl through and through, and Jeff makes me laugh and carries jokes up his sleeves! Could literally not ask for better!
Here are the handcarts - they were really petrifying from the bus windows. Fitting 13 buckets and a water cooler in there? Nuh-uh!
Within a mile of our departure, it started hailing and raining buckets, and we had to flip our wagons over and hide underneath. It's not comfortable being squished in the back, but I had Kaycee and my friend Chantz keep me laughing thru the troubles.
Here's our family. This is in L-R from who you can see....
Tanner Gillett, Kate Lefrandt, Ryann Worsley (girl), Chantz Cook, Kaycee (in back), Logan Bench (Jeff kept calling him Logee and Logee-One-Kanobi or whatever), Nathan Webb (yes..Gary Webb's son...), Jeff, me, Dallin Brooks, Rebekah Schaurhamer, Nikki Lye, and Chelsey Huish.
I could NOT have asked for truly a better family. Every SINGLE person made me laugh soooo hard..even Nathan! My friend Sierra and I could not get enough of Dallin..he came with a concussion and I seriously have never laughed more in my entire life. Thanks to everyone! Trek was memorable and hilarious!...but I'm not done...
This trek would have been nothing without Chantz! Oh my! This kid was hysterical and every night while I was laying my tent I could hear the tent next to us roaring with laughter. Mostly becuz of Dallin and Chantz. Both boys were great in did a good portion of the pulling, and I must say that I was impressed with the work of a 7th-grader! Great job, Cook!
Jeff celebrated his 34th bday on trek. Every time his "children" would get tired he'd step in and push. Other handcarts would yell, "Hey, look at Pierson! He's pulling!" and his immediate response was,
"I'm a man! I'm 34!"
Everyone was laughing their guts out - I was surprised and impressed and soooo grateful for his hysterical-ness!
Everyone was laughing their guts out - I was surprised and impressed and soooo grateful for his hysterical-ness!
Our family was ordered to make flags, too, to represent our family and what we stand for. We were later asked to share the meaning of our flag and etc. Jeff decided to make the flag special by writing O'Doyle Rules! from Billy Maddison. Below was his Stick of Revelation, and a random marijuana leaf that was supposed to be a glove :)
And while everyone was off singing hymns and My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean (Kate...) we were back there singing the all-famous Nacho Libre "Encarnocion" and "I Ama Singing"
Good times on trek...(thanks Kase and Jeff)
Here's what Chelsey and Nikki did half of trek - SLEEP. I wish I had the ability to take naps. Unfortunately, I can barely get myself to sleep at night! So I was stuck washing dishes, wiping chairs, cutting wood (yep...guys are wimps!), waking the sleepers (except Chantz...who can sleep thru a TORNADO), and cooking food. Yikes.
I did french braids and on the second day agreed to take them out. Bekah and Sierra pampered me up for the dance later that night. I think the dance was the most fun I had on trek. When you're not walking, you're loving it!
Model shot!
I did learn some things about trek though...
1) BRING A WATCH...because no one else will and you'll really be stressed about the time.
2) If they say, "one more hill", don't get your hopes up. There's really about 20 more.
3) Carry a rain poncho and jacket on top of your stuff, because even if it's beautiful and cloudless, you're going to need it!
4) Put your pajamas and extra clothes in a plastic bag because the weather changes within seconds.... and leaks through...
5) The guys are not going to do all the pushing. In fact, it's really hard to push that handcart! And it's a job that everyone has to do!
6) Bring sweats. In fact, bring two pairs. You don't have to live in your skirt, you know.
7) Bring warm, comfy sporting socks. They will save you... I promise.
8) Leggings are warmer than bloomers. Much warmer...
9) Bring a flowy long-sleeved shirt. They are a lot better than button up.
10) If you can, put extra garbage bags under your sleeping bag. Water can be soaking through the ground and you wouldn't even realize it!
11) Bear your testimony at the meeting. I told myself I wouldn't, and I did. Even if it's short or off topic, bear it anyway. If you don't, you'll regret it.
12) DON'T wear your hair down the whole trek. I didn't, but girls I know did and their hair was greasier. If you can, braid it. French braids are the BEST.
13) DRINK LOTS OF WATER. If you don't, you'll pass out. Even if you don't feel dehydrated or sick or sweaty, drink tons of water. I know girls in my family that passed out, and they didn't even see it coming. It effects you, I promise.
14) Bring duct tape, even if it tells you not to.
15) keep your flashlight in a memorable place, becuase you won't need it until it's dark, and when it's dark, you won't be able to find it. Memorize where it is!
16) keep yourself VERY organized. Don't think, "oh I'll fix it later".. you won't. I promise.
17) bring tons of warm clothes! that explains itself...