Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sunday picnic on front yard


Talmage is a baseball player (again)

Cowgirl (by the way, this pose was forced by my mother, even though I made more than one suggestion for poses...)

Karate Kid (waxing off - I think)

It's all about the pink boots

Top scorer this season (18 total goals)

Birthday boy (6 years old)

Heading off to Baptist Pre-school

Field of dreams (front yard)

Middle School . . . getting older and closer to being a teenager

Ethan's twin (and admirer who lives down the street)

Off to school (first day of all day kindergarten) . . . mom is crying

Lady killer of the 4th grade


Lamb Family said...

Please Comment!!

Amanda said...

I love seeing your kids!! They are so dang cute!!! I am glad you guys BLOG!! :):) XOXOXOXOX

I was raised in a barn said...

ADDIE you ROCK!! I am sooooo excited you updated the blog- i must admit I am in tears right now beacuse you all look so old, and I miss you ALL so much. Please always talk about me to Emma- tell her I am the best aunt so she can act like she remembers me the next time i see her... sniff sniff. Addie you are so beautiful and what a great athlete you are- I believe you are going to make a great "triple threat"! Tal looks has handsome as ever, and well, E is just a stud what can i say!! I love love love all the halloween costumes. I can't wait to see you guys :) All the love, Aunt lizzy

Kristen said...

You're amazing Addie! The best blog! Thanks so much for posting all of those great pix. Your Halloween costumes were great and reminded me of our kids when they were little. Nick would be a soccer player every year! Hurry up house and sell...we need the Lambs in Utah soon! Miss and love you lots and lots.
Aunt Kristen

snsrose said...

It's about freakin time!!! I LOVE your pictures, you all look so great!! What dang cute kids. We love you guys and are doing everything we can to get you here ASAP. Thanks for the update, Addie please keep it up.

Melissa said...

Lamb blog RULES! These pictures are great. They each have L-A-M-B written all over them. You guys are so much fun, please come back soon!
Emma was the cutest cowgirl I ever saw and Miss Addie - I liked the pose! You are growing up too fast and you are absolutely gorgeous!!! Did your mom pick out the pose for E as well? Pretty intense. And was Tal two different baseball players? Bet he knew the stats of each one.
We miss you guys and love love love ya!

Babbel Family said...

I am so glad you finally added more pictures to your blog! I love them!