Monday, August 4, 2008


We are officially DONE (besides the rest of the school shopping, and our mani-pedi date, Mom is over with her school prepardness). School registration? Done. School shopping? Semi- to almost pretty much done. Save the date? Done. Wedding invitations? Done. Aw, what a wonderful feeling. I just need shoes and shorts, and we need school supplies (they won't even give us the list! How rude!) Our registration was the only problemo.

Tal and Ethan were being registered at the elementary school. BAM. Easy. When they finished, Mom dropped them off at Kristen's and we quickly ran back to the school - the junior high, which is right across the street - only to find that our proof of residency was completely unkown. Why? Of course, we are a scattered bunch. In a weird housing situation, we had to call Grandma and ask her to fax a signed proof of residency form. Thankfully, she did and it came in FAST. Luckily, we caught them on their PDay, so they were at home doing what they do.

After a long meeting with the counselor, we were finally done and we quickly ran home. Three trips to the school and back only to get in. That's crazy. And they're only offering French and German. Where's Spanish? But I did French last year, so I did it again. German sounds cool, but it's a lot of work to me. . .I am not the retro type.

Well, that's our wondrous experience. Oh, how we love Timberline!

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