Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thank You

Although we are missing the place we call HOME
There's no place that we'd rather BE.

But since we have ROOFTOPS over our heads,

We're grateful for all family.

Because we are GROWING and aging and such,

We've lost all our childhood FEARS.

But these past few months have been pain beyond thought,

and we've shed uncountable TEARS.

So THANK YOU to all who helped us endure,

and THANK YOU for those who helped.

and THANK YOU to people who helped us get through,

We couldn't ask for anything ELSE.
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1 comment:

Emily said...

What can I do to help? YOu guys are my heros you have been through so much and know that I haven't helped enough. Call and Let's play sometime! Love ya and Thanx! -Emily