Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prom is Coming!

Over 300 balloons piled up in my room… no walking or moving space. It’s quite an adventure!

Connor and some of his siblings and the rest of the neighborhood hastily, worriedly shoving balloons through my basement window, and my house. Yep, it took a whole trailer to load these bad boys.
Of course I said yes! You don’t go through this much work for nothing… Matisse, Sierra, and I snuck into his room while he was at work and hung circled glow sticks of all shapes and sizes with yarn from the ceiling. We slaved over hot gluing the words “yes” out of them and put the letters right over his bed with a sign on his door that said, “I’d love to GLOW to prom with you!”

Prom is May 4th, and we totally pulled one over and bought a dress online (yes, that’s what we do best, isn’t it?) It’ll be exciting! First prom ever! :D

1 comment:

I was raised in a barn said...

That is so awesome!!! He must think you are pretty special to go through that much trouble! Good work Addie!!